• Famous Last Words

  • Plant Flowers in Your Garden

  • Bee Awareness

  • The Last Bee's Death

Let's Help Bees Live
(...and us to survive...) !!!

"Once the bees have left the earth, man will have 4 years left on the planet."
- Albert Einstein (1955)

Europe for bees

Link: EU for Bees

In recent years, public attention has been drawn to the plight of honeybee populations, which have seen losses in the EU and around the world. Behind this highly publicised phenomenon is a problem of a much larger scale, namely the dramatic decline in the occurrence and diversity of all kinds of European wild insect pollinators, including wild bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths. Numerous pollinator species are extinct or threatened with extinction.

Link: Pesticide Campaign

Link: Bee Life

Link: Pollinis

USA and Canada for Bees

Link: Canada for Bees

There are more than 20,000 distinct bee species around the world, and more than 4,000 in the U.S. alone. Bees exist in all types of climates around the world, from forests in Europe to deserts in Africa, even in the Arctic Circle. Worldwide, bee populations are in decline. Many factors such as pests, diseases, viruses and monocultures (... and other causes...) each have their own effects, but unfortunately, they often intensify the effects of each other. Over the last decade, multiple reports have indicated that beehives in the U.S. and Europe have suffered hive losses of at least 30%, sometimes higher.

Link: Save the Bees

Link: Bee Life

Link: Pollinis

Balkans for Bees

Link: Balkans for Bees

The best known species of bee is the honey bee (Apis mellifera), it is present almost everywhere on our continent. The black bee, which we are particularly interested in France, is a subspecies: it is the Apis mellifera mellifera. This endemic bee is a champion of adaptation and a pillar in the preservation of our biodiversity. Yet this local bee is in danger, because of human activities (use of pesticides, destruction of habitats, monocultures, etc.), but also because of the dangers caused by the importation of non-endemic species, less adapted and therefore more fragile. Faced with this observation, it is more than necessary to create legally protected sanctuaries in order to preserve our local subspecies.

Link: Balkan Ecology